Monday, August 18, 2008

Change Is A Comin'

Hello people of the blogging world...

Well it's been a few weeks since I wrote, but Im here.... writing this blog in a coffee shop early on this beautiful Saturday morning, I know I know.... those of you who know me are probably wondering why Im at a coffee shop on this morning, but my good friend aaron is ....Well hopefully getting a job here. Its ok though its peaceful here .. I think I could get use to this coffee thing. Anyways life is good. Im learning so much everyday, God just continues to be faithful daily. I just cant understand how he loves me so much... you know just this whole grace thing.. It truly amazes me. These past few weeks God has just been showing me he really does have a plan for me... and don't get cliche here.. I mean he really wants me to have the life he intends for me.. He wants me to embrace his purpose and start claiming it... claiming that Im not just " writing some blog in a coffee shop on a saturday morning in Tyler Texas " but that he wants me to experience the life he has planned for me, and to what that is... Well its God.

(Side note right now... there is some old couple next to me right now.. thats been arguing this whole time about throwing away old stuff thats in his garage and its probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard... Oh the sweet love of rich people.. if you are my future wife and are reading this.. Know.. I will never keep anything that im not using.. I've learned alot today. )

Well sorry I got off there for a minute, but I think you should know the harsh circumstances of blogging. Anyways "change is a comin" I encourage all of you.. embrace that God really does have a plan for you.. He's trying to get you on board my friend.. Stop trying so hard.. God misses you... oh excuse the weird overlapping post.. cant figure it out..
P.S THings I am thankful for today

1. People who invented coffee shops
2. My iphone
3. Great friends